» Repair » How To Reset a Massage Chair

How To Reset a Massage Chair From a Specific Brand

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Welcome to our guide on how to reset a massage chair from a specific brand. Massage chairs are wonderful devices that provide relaxation and therapeutic benefits. However, just like any electronic device, they can encounter issues or require a reset to restore their optimal functionality.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of resetting a massage chair from a specific brand, ensuring that you can enjoy a rejuvenating and uninterrupted massage experience. Whether you own an Osaki, Infinity, Human Touch, or any other brand, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in and discover how to reset your massage chair effectively.

How to Reset My Osaki Chair

Do you have problems with your Osaki massage chair or do you want to restore it to its original settings? Resetting your massage chair can help solve issues and bring it back to its default settings. Our blog provides clear instructions on how to reset your Osaki massage chair and explains common reasons why you may need to do it. This guide can help you troubleshoot issues, reset your chair to its original settings, or delete any previously saved user preferences. Let’s begin and achieve your goal with ease.

Why you should reset the settings of your Osaki massage chair

There are several reasons you might need to reset your Osaki massage chair:

  • If you’re experiencing any problems with the chair, like difficulty turning it on or certain functions not working correctly, please contact us for assistance in resolving these issues.
  • If you have modified the settings or programs of the chair, you can reset it to its original default settings.
  • To prevent strange sounds from the chair.
  • To recalibrate the chair after moving it.
  • To clear user preferences or settings that have been saved to the chair.
  • Prepare the chair for use by a different user.
  • To troubleshoot problems with the chair not functioning properly.
  • To reset the chair after it has been moved to a new location or transported.
  • It is essential to adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions when resetting your Osaki massage chair to ensure that the procedure is done safely and accurately.

7 Simple Steps for How to Reset Osaki Massage Chair

Here are the simple steps you need to follow to reset an Osaki massage chair:

Step 1: Power Off and Unplug the Massage Chair

Before resetting your massage chair, make sure that you turn off the power and unplug it from the wall outlet. This is important for your safety to avoid any electrical shocks during the reset process. You can turn off the power by pressing the power button on the control panel or unplugging the chair from the wall outlet.

Step 2: Find the Reset Button

To reset the massage chair, find the reset button on the control panel. This button is usually labeled with the word “reset” or a circular arrow symbol. If you’re having difficulty locating the reset button, consult the user manual for your Osaki massage chair model.

Osaki ChairStep 3: Press and Hold the Reset Button

To start the reset process, hold down the reset button for 3 seconds. You may need to apply some pressure to the button to activate it. Language for output: English (United States).

Step 4: Wait for the Massage Chair to Reboot

After you release the reset button on the massage chair, please wait for it to reboot. The process might take a few minutes, and you may hear different noises generated by the chair during the restart and reset of the internal systems.

Step 5: Reconnect the Massage Chair to the Outlet

After the massage chair has finished rebooting, you can reconnect it to the wall outlet by plugging the power cord back into the outlet.

Step 6: Turn on the Massage Chair
To turn on the massage chair, locate the power button on either the control panel or the remote control and press it.

Step 7: Finalize the Reset
To complete the reset process, press the reset button once more to ensure that all settings have been restored to their default values. This will reset the massage program, intensity level, and timer settings as well. If you encounter any further issues with your Osaki massage chair following the reset, you can contact Osaki customer support for additional troubleshooting steps or repair recommendations.

If your Osaki massage chair doesn’t reset, here are a few troubleshooting steps:

  • Verify that you are following the correct reset instructions for your specific model.
  • Check the power cord connection and ensure the batteries in the remote control are properly installed.
  • Try unplugging the chair for a few minutes before plugging it back in and attempting the reset again.
  • If the reset button is unresponsive, the control panel may be faulty. Contact Osaki customer support for assistance.
  • If the chair still won’t reset, there may be a hardware or software issue. Consider professional servicing or repairs.

How to Reset the Infinity Massage Chair

Resetting the Infinity Massage Chair involves a systematic process designed to restore its default settings and resolve any potential issues. Follow these precise steps to reset your Infinity Massage Chair effectively:

  • Power off the massage chair: Locate the power button on the control panel or the remote control device and switch it off. This ensures a safe environment for the reset process.
  • Reset the Infinity Massage ChairUnplug the chair: Disconnect the massage chair from the wall outlet by unplugging the power cord. This step ensures complete disconnection from the electrical supply.
  • Wait for a brief period: Allow the chair to remain unplugged for approximately 5 minutes. This waiting period allows for the discharge of any residual electrical charge and ensures a complete power cycle.
  • Plug the chair back in: Reconnect the massage chair to the wall outlet by firmly inserting the power cord into the corresponding socket. Ensure a secure connection to prevent any power interruptions during the reset process.
  • Power on the massage chair: Locate the power button on the control panel or the remote control device and turn on the massage chair. This step initiates the system’s boot-up process.
  • Access the reset function: Consult the user manual or refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines to identify the specific reset button or combination of buttons on the control panel. Press and hold the reset button(s) for a period of 10-15 seconds.
  • Reset completion: After holding the reset button(s) for the designated time, release them. The massage chair will proceed to reset, reverting to its default settings and initializing its internal systems.

Following these precise steps should effectively reset your Infinity Massage Chair, restoring it to its original state. If you encounter any difficulties or the reset does not resolve the issue, please consult the user manual or reach out to the Infinity customer support team for further assistance and troubleshooting guidance.

If your Infinity massage chair doesn’t reset, here are the steps to follow:

  • Power off the massage chair and unplug it from the wall outlet.
  • Locate the reset button on the control panel or refer to the user manual for guidance.
  • Press and hold the reset button for a few seconds to initiate the reset process.
  • Release the reset button and wait for the chair to reboot, which may take a few minutes.
  • Once the chair has rebooted, reconnect it to the wall outlet by plugging in the power cord.
  • Turn on the massage chair using the power button on the control panel or the remote control device.
  • If the chair still doesn’t reset, contact Infinity customer support for further assistance or troubleshooting steps.

How to Reset My Human Touch Chair

If your massage chair is not working after unplugging and plugging it back in, try resetting it. You can reset some Human Touch massage chairs by powering them down and then back up again. Other chairs have a reset button on the remote, and some require a button sequence, such as holding down the tapping and kneading buttons for a few seconds.

Remote Functions

Ensure that the cable connection to the backrest is properly attached and tightened. If the connection is secure, but the remote is still not functioning, then you need to replace the remote. Examine the LED lights on the remote; if the lights are functioning, but the features are not working, then the problem is most likely with the function itself rather than the remote.

Reset My Human Touch ChairIf the remote beeps twice, check that nothing is touching the safety sensor. Use your foot to lightly tap the sensor. If the issue continues, it means that the rear shroud will require replacement.

Follow these specific steps to successfully reset your Human Touch Chair:

  • Power off the chair: Locate the power button on the control panel or the remote control device and switch it off. This ensures a safe environment for the reset process.
  • Unplug the chair: Disconnect the chair from the wall outlet by unplugging the power cord. This step ensures complete disconnection from the electrical supply.
  • Allow a brief waiting period: Wait for approximately 5 minutes to allow the chair to remain unplugged. This waiting period helps discharge any residual electrical charge and ensures a complete power cycle.
  • Reconnect the chair: Plug the chair back into the wall outlet by firmly inserting the power cord into the corresponding socket. Ensure a secure connection to prevent power interruptions during the reset process.
  • Power on the chair: Locate the power button on the control panel or the remote control device and turn on the chair. This step initiates the boot-up process of the chair’s system.
  • Access the reset function: Refer to the user manual or manufacturer’s guidelines to identify the specific reset button or combination of buttons on the control panel. Press and hold the reset button(s) for approximately 10-15 seconds.

Completion of the reset: After holding the reset button(s) for the designated time, release them. The chair will proceed to reset, restoring its default settings and initializing its internal systems.

How to Reset Insignia Massage Chair

You can try unplugging the power cord from the outlet and waiting for 30 seconds before plugging it back in and pressing the “Power” button. Then, press the “Settings” button on the control panel, use the arrow keys to scroll through the options, and select “Default.” Finally, press the “Enter” button to confirm your selection 1.

If these steps don’t work for your Insignia massage chair, I would recommend consulting the user manual or contacting Insignia customer support, or finding a professional technician for more specific instructions.

Real Relax Massage Chair Reset

Resetting your Real Relax Massage Chair is a crucial step to troubleshooting any issues and restoring its optimal functionality. Follow these specific instructions to perform a successful reset:

  • Begin by turning off the massage chair. Locate the power button on the control panel or the remote control device and ensure it is switched off.
  • Once the chair is powered off, unplug it from the wall outlet. This step ensures a complete disconnection from the power source.
  • Allow the massage chair to remain unplugged for approximately 5 minutes. This waiting period allows any residual electrical charge to dissipate and ensures a complete power cycle.
  • After the waiting period, plug the massage chair back into the wall outlet. Ensure a secure and proper connection to avoid any power interruptions during the reset process.
  • Turn on the massage chair by pressing the power button. This step initiates the system’s boot-up process.
  • Consult the user manual or the manufacturer’s guidelines to identify the specific reset button or combination of buttons on the control panel.
  • Press and hold the designated reset button(s) for a period of 10-15 seconds. This action triggers the reset process, restoring the massage chair to its default settings and initializing its internal systems.

By following these precise steps, you can successfully reset your Real Relax Massage Chair and resolve any potential issues. If you encounter any difficulties or the problems persist, it is recommended to consult the user manual or contact Real Relax customer support for further assistance and expert guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is My Massage Chair Not Working?

There could be several reasons for your massage chair not functioning properly. It could be due to a power supply issue, a malfunctioning control panel, faulty wiring, or a problem with the motor or massage mechanisms. To determine the exact cause, it is recommended to check the power connection, inspect the control panel for any error codes or indicators, and consult the user manual for troubleshooting steps. If the issue persists, contacting the manufacturer or a professional technician for further assistance and repair may be necessary.

How Long Do Human Touch Massage Chairs Last?

The lifespan of Human Touch massage chairs can vary depending on factors such as usage frequency, maintenance, and model quality. On average, a well-maintained Human Touch massage chair can last between 5 to 10 years or even longer. Regular maintenance, including cleaning the chair, lubricating moving parts, and addressing any necessary repairs promptly, can help extend its lifespan. It’s important to note that individual experiences may vary, and factors like usage intensity and environmental conditions can also impact the longevity of the massage chair.

What is Kneading Button on Massage Chair?

The kneading button on a massage chair activates a specific massage technique called “kneading.” Kneading is a rhythmic, pressing, and circular motion that imitates the hands and thumbs of a massage therapist. When the kneading button is pressed, the massage chair’s mechanisms or rollers move in a circular motion, providing a deep tissue massage by gently squeezing and releasing targeted muscles. This technique can help alleviate muscle tension, improve blood circulation, and promote relaxation. Users can adjust the speed and intensity of the kneading motion based on their preferences and comfort level.

How Do You Change a Fuse in a Massage Chair?

Changing a fuse in a massage chair is a simple process that can help resolve power-related issues. To change a fuse, start by locating the fuse box or panel, usually located at the base or back of the chair. Carefully remove the cover and identify the fuse that needs to be replaced, usually indicated by a blown or melted appearance. Use a fuse of the same type and rating, and replace it by inserting it securely into the corresponding socket. Finally, reattach the cover and test the chair’s functionality to ensure the new fuse has resolved the power problem.

Final Words

In conclusion, resetting a massage chair from a specific brand is a straightforward process that can help resolve various issues and restore the chair’s optimal functionality. By following the specific steps provided by the manufacturer, users can power off the chair, locate the reset button, initiate the reset process, and wait for the chair to reboot.

Reconnecting the chair to the power source and turning it back on completes the reset. If any problems persist, it is advisable to contact the brand’s customer support for further assistance. Regularly resetting the massage chair can contribute to its long-term performance and user satisfaction.

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Kristina Martin

Kristina Martin attended the University Of Florida and graduated in 2001 from the College Of Medicine. Kristina is a Master of Physical Therapy (MPT). Her focus is to help her clients be as healthy as possible by providing personalized training and advice that is unique to them.
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